<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> timenote.sas
 | SOURCE:   timenote.sas                                                         |
 |                                                                                |
 | VERSION:  RDS v3.0                                                             |
 |                                                                                |
 | PURPOSE:  This macro is designed to record the run time of another macro       |
 |                                                                                |
 | SYNTAX:   %timenote (macro     = _input_dataset_,                    |
 |                      starttime = _output_dataset_)                   |
 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;
%macro timenote (macro=,starttime=&starttime) /des='Standard Time Note' ;
   %local macro starttime notes daymess hourmess minmess andmess secmess ;

   | turn notes off, begin time stamp, globalize and localize all |
   | variables, calculate key macro variables.                    |
   *--------------------------------------------------------------* ;
   %let notes=%sysfunc(getoption(notes,keyword)) ;
   options nonotes ;

   data _null_ ;
      runtime = datetime() - &starttime ;

      day = trim(left(put(day(datepart(runtime)) - 1, best.))) ;
      hour = trim(left(put(hour(runtime), best.))) ;
      minute = trim(left(put(minute(runtime), best.))) ;
      second = trim(left(put(round(second (runtime), .01), z5.2))) ;

      if day = '0' then call symput ('daymess' ,'') ;
      else call symput ('daymess', ' '||trim(left(day))||' days') ;

      if hour = '0' then call symput ('hourmess', '') ;
      else call symput ('hourmess', ' '||trim(left(hour))||' hours') ;

      if minute = '0' then call symput ('minmess', '') ;
      else call symput ('minmess', ' '||trim(left(minute))||' minutes') ;

      if day = '0' and hour = '0' and minute = '0' then call symput ('andmess', '') ;
      else call symput ('andmess', ' and') ;

      if second = '00.00' then call symput ('secmess', ' 0.00 seconds') ;
      else if substr(second, 1, 1) = '0' then call symput ('secmess', ' '||trim(left(substr(second, 2, 4)))||' seconds') ;
      else call symput ('secmess', ' '||trim(left(second))||' seconds') ;
   run ;

   options notes ;
   %put NOTE: The SPIKEware Macro %upcase(¯o) used %trim(%left(&daymess.&hourmess.&minmess.&andmess.&secmess.)). ;
   options ¬es ;
%mend timenote ;